Uppfærist á 60 mínútna fresti

Fljótsdalur is a genial valley in Fljótsdalshérað. The valley is deep, wide and woody. This is an area of agriculture, forestry and tourist services. Fljótsdalur is a green, fertile and beautiful place full of natural treasures. Vatnajökull National Park is one of Europe’s largest national parks, Hallormsstaður National Forest is Iceland’s largest forest and a number of other worthy destination can be found in the area.

The municipality of Fljótsdalshreppur provides various support to its inhabitants, such as project and research grants, environmental grants, student grants, child and youth grants, etc.




Postal code:






The municipality offices are located at Végarður which also serves as a community center. No school is operated in the municipality which instead buys services from the neighboring municipality Múlaþing and provides free school bus transportation to Egilsstaðir and Fellabær.


Business and community

Fljótsdalur has a diverse farming industry, including traditional sheep farms, agriculture and food production, as well as forestry and forestry product processing.

A number of businesses are operated in the area, such as a car repair shop, soil contractors, a sewing room, a crafts workshop, mountain bike hire, wood workshop and house builders.


Tourist services

Tourist services have been strengthened considerably. A campsite can be found at the Hengifoss inn as well as various accommodations in the area, hotels, inns and cabins.

Skriðuklaustur has a restaurant as well as exhibitions and various events. Snæfellsstofa is open all year round and is home to an exhibition and a crafts shop.

Valþjófsstaður has a church and a marked history trail.


Organizations in the area:


  • A church choir
  • Fljótsdalshreppur’s Agricultural Society
  • Hnúta crafts club
  • Social project “Fair Future in Fljótsdalur” (Fögur framtíð í Fljótsdal)

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