Franskir dagar á Fáskrúðsfirði 2025 / French Days in East Iceland

16. July, 2025 - 20. July, 2025

English below

Skipulagning Franskra daga 2025 er í fullum gangi og því kjörið að taka helgina frá!
Allt frá upphafi hefur hátíðin verið helgina fyrir Verslunarmannahelgi en verður nú tveimur vikum fyrir Verslunarmannahelgi, eða 16. – 20. júlí í ár.
Verið velkomin á Franska daga á Fáskrúðsfirði

Each summer, the charming village of Fáskrúðsfjörður transforms into a vibrant celebration of French-Icelandic friendship during the beloved French Days Festival. This unique event honors the legacy of the French fishermen who once braved the North Atlantic and left behind a lasting cultural imprint on this remote fjord.

Join us for five festive days filled with music, food, storytelling, local art, French flair, and good vibes for all ages. From pétanque tournaments to sea-themed parades, from fresh Icelandic crepes to late-night concerts – there’s something for everyone.

Stroll down the bilingual streets, explore the French Museum, raise a glass to old friendships, and make new memories in the heart of East Iceland.

✨ Celebrate history. Celebrate connection. Celebrate French Days.

Vive la Fáskrúðsfjörður! Vive la fête!