Skoða viðburðinn á íslensku THE FIVE MOUNTAINS IN FJARÐABYGGÐ

15. June, 2020 - 15. September, 2020

There are guestbooks and stamps on five mountains in Fjarðabyggð. You need to buy a book so you can stamp in the book. When you have all the marks you get a price from Ferðafélag Fjarðamanna and a picture of you on their website.
The book costs 500 ISK, and you can get it at Veiðifluganin and Íslandspósturi in Reyðarfjörður. In Neskaupstaður you can get it at Fjarðasport and Nesbær and in Egilsstaðir, you can get it at the Information Center.

This is a game only for experienced hikers.

Mountains are:
1. Kistufell, 1239 m
GPS: N 65° 03,661′ W 14° 24,906′
2. Goðaborg, 1132 m
GPS: N 65° 09,532′ W 13° 55,611′
3. Svartafjall, 1021 m
GPS: N 65° 04,655′ W 13° 55,285′
4. Hólmatindur, 985 m
GPS: N 65° 03,623′ W 14° 03,614′
5. Hádegisfjall, 809 m
GPS: N 65° 00,476′ W 14° 14,062′