30. July, 2020 - 2. August, 2020
The Neskaupstaður town festival, Neistaflug is held annually on the holiday weekend (verslunarmannahelgin) which includes the first Monday in August.
There is a wide array of events and lots of fun for people of all ages.
For the last couple of years the weekend has started with a Thursday concert with some of Iceland’s most popular bands. The festival however officially starts on Friday night with a parade starting from a designated spot in each neighbourhood. People decorate their houses and themselves in they´re neighbourhood color before setting off for the parade.
The festival continues throughout the weekend with market fairs, children’s plays, a beach party for the younger generation and dances. And ends with a bonfire and a sing-a-long in front of the Neskaupstaður elementary and a firework display on Sunday night.
Check out the latest information on the festival website.