Jeff Mailfert á tehúsinu

8. June, 2024

English below
Laugardaginn 08.júní kl:21.00
Jeff Mailfert mætir í Tehúsið og spilar lög af tilvonandi breiðskífu.
Jeff Mailfert, an indie folk artist with over 10 years of experience in the music industry. Jeff travels the world in his famous orange combi, exploring wild nature and vast spaces in search of freedom
His music is deeply influenced by his travels, and it was precisely during his journey to Iceland that he found inspiration for his very first album.
This album, set to release in 2025, is a collection of songs written and inspired by his experiences in Iceland. The raw beauty of this country, with its epic landscapes and vibrant culture, has been a constant source of inspiration for him.
That’s why he decided to return to Iceland to premiere his album live for the Icelandic audienc