What a beautiful face


2. June, 2022 - 30. June, 2022

June 2nd – June 30th. 2022

The exhibition “What a beautiful face” is an interdisciplinary artistic collaboration between the illustrator Tinna Þorvaldur Önnudóttir and the soprano Berta Drafnar Ómarsdóttir.

The exhibition mixes Tinna’s paintings, which are characterized by bright colors, a clear tone and a joy of storytelling. And then Berta’s short film, a docymentation of an interpretation that follos Tinna during a creation of a painting. Painting inspired by a song cycle performed by Berta and guitarist Svanur Vilbergsson

Berta and Tinna have both stayed in the guest apartment at Skriðuklaustur, at diffrent times, and worked on their art.

Tinna Þorvalds Önnudóttir is an artist as well as an actress and singer.

Berta Dröfn Ómarsdóttir is a singer, choirmaster and the woman behind the short film Beautiful in Front.

The exhibition opens on Thursday June 2nd and is open until June 30th, every day during the opening hours of Skriðuklaustur from 10-18